This entry level kit includes everything needed to make the equivalent of 2.5 cases of beer ... including 30 x 750ml PET Beer Bottles!
This kit contains the following equipment:
1.7kg Country Brewer “Wal's” Concentrate
1 kg Dextrose
25Lt Pail & Lid
500g PSR Washing & Sterilising Powder
250ml Liquid Sanitiser
Hydrometer & Test Jar
Standard Tap & Sediment Reducer
Stick on Thermometer
Brewers Bottler
Finings 7g
Bottle Brush
30 x 750ml PET Beer Bottles
60 x Carbonating Drops
Instructions and Recipe sheets
*Not all items are pictured*
Posted by Andrew on 11th Sep 2016
This is a pretty good beginners kit. It includes everything you will need to get your first brew down, including PET bottles. The FV, hydrometer etc all seem pretty good quality and easily good enough to brew with. With a few optional extras such as a bulk priming kit, temp sensor etc, you can have a pretty good little brewery straight away.